Barterin 4 freedom

Four guards stood clad in leather and weapons outside the dungeon cell. Amelia swallowed as she was escorted down the rest of the stairs. One of the guards produced a key and unlocked the door. She was pushed inside. The door slammed closed behind her and she heard the key turn.

Her eyes swung around the cell as she wrinkled her nose. It smelled damp, though it was made of stone, and urine. She was glad to see there were no other prisoners there beside her. Only a tall, long table. What the hell was that for? It was nearly as tall as she was.

She picked out a dry area on the hard floor and sank down. She pulled her knees up under her chin. She was going to the gallows. Her uncle had warned it would happen if she were ever caught stealing vegetables from the King’s Garden. But her brother was hungry and she was given little choice when her uncle drank himself so that he could not find work. So, she’d stolen again, just enough to feed them but was spotted by one of the court maids.

Nicolette. Amelia frowned even as she thought of the spoiled young maid. Nicolette had always been looking at her. Watching her as if she expected her to step out of line. And Amelia had given her exactly what she wanted. Nicolette had pounced at the opportunity to have her locked up.

“Miss.” One of the guard’s deep voice called.

“Open the door.”

Amelia groaned. Think of the devil and the nymph shall appear. She rose from the floor as the heavy door swung open.

Nicolette DeLareat was beautiful. Long, straight blonde hair, ivory complexion, slim and well garbed. Amelia bet her smooth hands had never done a days work in her life. And why should she? She was the King’s favorite.

“What do you want?” Amelia snapped.

“To help you.” Nicolette answered, seeming unfazed by Amelia’s tone.

“Help? You’ve helped me enough as it is. Thank you but no thank you.” Amelia nearly laughed.

“You will go to the gallows you know. Thieves are hung.” Nicolette folded her arms acro... Les hele novellen

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