First time

First time

I still cant believe that it happened. Everytime I think about it, I feel an intense mixture of nervousness and excitment but definitely, no regrets. It was the single most sensual and enjoyable night of my life and had exceeded all my wildest fantasies and expectations.

The night was such a wild mix of emotions and sexual energy that its hard for me to put into words what exactly happened. It had been so unbelievably unexpected. Let me just backtrack and start from the beginning.

Shelly has always been a stunningly beautiful girl. Her shiny, chestnut brown hair falls in waves over her toned shoulders. Her almond-shaped blue eyes are always sparkling and are able to hypnotize even the coldest of hearts. Her skin glows with a natual radiance that fills every woman that meets her with envy. Her natural 32c breasts are soft and round and are the perfect compliment to the rest of her curves that hug her 511 frame.

Despite her undeniable beauty, Shelly is one of the most kind-hearted and sensitive people you could ever hope to meet. I had the pleasure of meeting her during my second year of university.

It was the first day of the second semester and I was sitting in class just wishing that the class was already over. This was my only 8 a.m. class but I just knew that it was going to be pure hell trying to make it there every Monday and Wednesday. Just as the prof was about to begin his lecture, a beautiful girl came running into the room, out of breath and panting, and sat down in the seat directly in front of me. I was immediately taken aback by her. She looked and even SMELLED like perfection. I could have stared at her all day and I could feel my heart begin to beat just a little faster and I could also begin to feel my pussy throb.

I was extremely surprised by my reaction to this girl. I was not a lesbian and I had never had any sort of attraction to women before so this feeling was very new to me. In fact,I had a boyfriend whom I had been with f... Les hele novellen

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First time

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